NIKE CLOTH - An exploration of cloth dynamics for a personal project.

I had a few days downtime between bookings and took the opportunity to create another personal project.
I wanted to explore Cinema4d’s new and improved cloth dynamics, so this seemed like the perfect chance.

First I found the awesome music track by rapper Kofi Stone - Busker flow. This allowed me to really set the tone of the piece as I began experimenting with a rough edit, laying down stills and wireframe renders to the beat.

I had to keep the creative simple and straight forward to be achievable in the time. So I began experimenting with different techniques of breaking the trainer apart.
The technique that I used for the leather sections was to simulate each part separate from one another. With wind and turbulence blowing them away from the shoe.
I would then bake the animations down to point level animation, reverse the keyframes and used time-tracks to fine-tune the timings and velocity of the morphs, while maintaining the overall simulations.

I was unsure about which scene to set it in. I’ve always wanted to use photogrammetry for a project, so I sourced a fantastic scene from ArtFletch (, I replaced the flooring and with some depth-of-field rendered with redshift, I was pretty happy with the result.